Nowadays many believe that black metal died or is almost dead. Album ”The Iron Hand of Blackest Terror” by Luror, cuts the throats of those ones. It’s hard to believe that album from 2003 can be a rival of those so called rulers from the middle 90’s, but it’s true. It just overwhelms listener and force to create or destroy.
            Album can be divided into three parts: 1st - fast, brutal, energetic, very ingenious music (tracks: 1,4,5), 2nd - a little bit slower songs having a bit of ballad in them, melancholic, majestic(tracks: 3,7,8), 3rd - something in the middle among those two in music sphere, but more straight in expression and worshipping evil, sang in 1st person(tracks:2, 6, 9).
            What makes Luror so original is a great mixture of simplicity of black metal with majestic, epic sounds. Music consists of interesting, surprising, atmospheric riffs; drumming is also an advantage - it doesn’t disturb and keeps the sufficient speed. Vocals are above black metal average, sometimes they’re very clamorous, sometimes harsh. Vocalist has good abilities - he succeeds in changing his scale, what’s more he uses clean vocals at moments.
            Lyrics and ideas are very depressive and suicidal, they greatly, strongly influence reader’s feelings. They create many dangerous thoughts, and therefore after considering that themes too much one can completely become trembled for a longer time – “From Dawn to Death”. Moreover they force to imagine visions like battlegrounds and also different even darker darker scenery.
            For the last thing, I must say that this record is a pride for Germany. It undoubtedly can be locked as one of the best black metal albums ever.
Must for everyone.
